@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008308, author = {青野, 正明 and Aono, Masaaki}, journal = {非文字資料研究 = The study of nonwritten cultural materials}, month = {Sep}, note = {戦前、神社神道は非宗教とされ、植民地民を含めて日本国民が参拝する祭祀とされた。植民地朝鮮(1910~1945年)では国体明徴声明以降(1935年~)、皇祖神崇拝(アマテラスへの一神教的な崇拝)を強める神社神道が、日本国民というナショナリズムの形成(=国民教化)に用いられた。 この立場から本稿では、植民地朝鮮において神社神道が行政に追従し、天皇崇敬システム(国体論)と結びついたことを村落レベルにおいて紹介する。そして、村落レベルでの「神社」とは何かという問題を考えてみる。 まず日本人移住者の村々では、信仰の二重性を見いだすことができた。それは、天照大神(アマテラス)と「内地」の他の神々という祭神の二重性であった。彼らのこのような信仰の二重性に対して、神社行政は天照大神奉斎に吸収させる統制、つまり日本人移住者の国民教化を図る統制を推進していった。 一方、大多数である朝鮮人の村々では地方行政により官製「洞祭」(村祭り)の設置が企図されたことがあった。官製「洞祭」は在来「洞祭」と神社施設が接近して生まれた性質のもので、①神社と在来「洞祭」の習合を図るタイプと、②在来「洞祭」を神社化するタイプに二分される。前者のタイプは神社神道の土着性を重視する施策であったが、1935年以降の国体明徴期にはこのタイプは顧みられず、土着性よりも国民教化を優先させる意図のもとで、後者の在来「洞祭」を神社化する政策が推進された。 戦後、神社神道は単一的なナショナリズム形成をサポートし続けてきた。また、観光地などの神社が栄える一方で、過疎化が進む地方の神社は衰退の途にある。村落レベルにおいて神社とは何か、それは神社神道が今日も問われている問題ではないだろうか。 *用語の説明 神祠:神社の下のクラス 無願神祠:行政から設立許可を受けていない神祠, Before World War II, Shrine Shinto was viewed not as a religion but as a ritual performed by Japanese citizens and other people living in Japan’s colonial territory. After the Declaration of Clear Evidence of the National Policy was issued in 1935 amid the Japanese colonial period from 1910 to 1945, Shrine Shinto increasingly focused on the monotheistic worship of Amaterasu Omikami. It was used to support the rise of Japanese nationalism and the process of indoctrination. In view of such background, this paper will reveal how Shrine Shinto complied with the government’s policy and played a role in inculcating the extreme veneration of the Emperor and the Imperial system by looking at the situation in Korean villages under Japanese rule. Furthermore, the significance of shrines in villages will be discussed. In villages where Japanese migrants settled the duality of worship style was observed ; that is, they enshrined both Amaterasu Omikami and local deities. In response to this duality, the Japanese administration endeavored to bring these two styles together to promote the worship of the goddess. In other words, the government strengthened the national indoctrination of these Japanese migrants. Most occupied villages were inhabited by Korean people, and local governments began a new village ritual imitated traditional Dongje. This new ceremony was meant to be an integration of traditional Korean Dongje and shrine facilities. In one form of administrative Dongje the practices of shrines and traditional Dongje were syncretized. In the other form, however, traditional Dongje was transformed into a shrine ritual. The former served as a means of indigenizing Shrine Shinto, but the ritual stopped being held after the issuance of the Declaration of Clear Evidence of the National Policy in 1935. Instead, the latter form of the village ritual was promoted as national indoctrination began to take priority over the indigenization of shrines. Even after World War II ended, Shrine Shinto contributed to the foundation of monolithic Japanese nationalism. Nowadays, shrines in popular tourist destinations are thriving, whereas those in rural areas with shrinking populations are falling into decline. The significance of having local community shrines has been called into question, and the task of clearly defining this issue is a challenge that Shrine Shinto now faces. Terminologies Shinshi:a small auxiliary shrine under the jurisdiction of a larger one Mugan Shinshi:a semi-shrine unauthorized by the government, Departmental Bulletin Paper, 招待論文}, pages = {15--24}, title = {植民地朝鮮における公認神祠、無願神祠、在来の村祭り -村落レベルでの「神社」とは-}, volume = {15}, year = {2017} }