@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008218, author = {黄, 清喜 and Huang, Qingxi}, issue = {10}, journal = {年報 非文字資料研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {In traditional society Chinese people lived with an ancient concept of time between sacredness and secularism. Therefore, establishing the sacred space was the due meaning to clansmen setting up a village. To the Wu Clan, their sacred space has dual meanings : On the one hand, the Wu Clan confirms and manifests their sacred space with jumping Nuo year after year. On the other hand, their sacred space is the core embodiment of their ideology and clan culture through jumping Nuo., Departmental Bulletin Paper, 論文}, pages = {241--250}, title = {论石邮村的神圣空间}, year = {2014} }