@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006416, author = {尹, 亭仁 and Yoon, Jeong-in and Seungja, Kim Choi}, journal = {神奈川大学言語研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {Korean and Japanese have in common the grammatical category of case markers. Thus, in the case of native Korean learners of the Japanese language and the native Japanese learners of the Korean language, the effectiveness of second language learning is in general high. However, the usage of the case markers in the two languages is not always identical. We can see various cases of non-correspondence in the use of the case markers in the two languages. Although the postpositional markers wa and nun/un correspond to each other in many areas, there are some areas in which wa and nun/un do not correspond: one remarkable mismatch is observed in WH-questions. In this paper, we observe two phenomena in WH-question sentences. First, in the case where the noun phrase (NP) or the pronoun in sentence initial position has neither determiner nor modifying phrase, nominative marker ka/i is used in Korean, whereas wa is used in Japanese. Second, in the case where the NP has a determiner or modifying phrase, the marker in the Korean sentences which corresponds to wa in the corresponding Japanese sentence can be nun/un. The explanation lies in that the determiner or modifying phrase set the limit of the NP. In other words, whereas wa can occur when the NP in WH-questions are not limited, nun in Korean cannot. Unlike wa, nun/un in Korean always requires some kind of limitation., Article, 論文}, pages = {47--76}, title = {疑問詞疑問文に見られる助詞ハと「는/은」の非対応をめぐって -用例分析から見えてきた傾向を中心に-}, volume = {37}, year = {2015} }