@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000581, author = {崔, 瑛}, issue = {71}, journal = {人文学研究所報, Bulletin of the Institute for Humanities Resarch}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は,ホスピタリティ産業の従業員の地域環境への評価や人々との関わり,会社に対する評価が地域愛着と会社愛着,ESに与える影響を検証したものである。地域関連因子として,「住民との接触」,「地域の優良資源」,「顧客との情報共有」,「生活・業務上の利便性」が抽出され,会社関連因子として,「働きやすい勤務環境」,「地域貢献の仕組み」,「会社のビジョン」が抽出された。これらの因子を説明変数として,地域愛着と会社愛着,ESへの影響を把握し,宿泊業・小売業・飲食業における差を比較した。, This study aimed to explore the effects of hospitality industry employeesʼ evaluation of the local environment, relationships with people, and the company on place attachment, company attachment, and ES. In this study, “relationship with residents,” “excellent resources,” “information sharing with customers,” and “convenience in life and business” were extracted as region-related factors. In addition, “comfortable working environment,” “support system for local contribution,” and “company vision” were extracted as company-related factors. Using these factors as explanatory variables, we grasped the effects on place attachment, company attachment, and ES, and compared the differences between the hotel industry, retail industry, and F&B industry.}, pages = {87--105}, title = {ホスピタリティ産業従業員の勤務地域と勤務会社への愛着とESの規定要因に関する研究 -宿泊業・小売業・飲食業の比較を通して-}, year = {2024}, yomi = {チェ ヨン} }