@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000172, author = {渡部, かなえ}, issue = {70}, journal = {人文学研究所報, Bulletin of the Institute for Humanities Resarch}, month = {Sep}, note = {Owing to the spread of coronavirus disease-2019(COVID-19), university students were affected both campus life and daily life. Through the research in 2020(just under COVID-19 pandemic), we knew that health science education at university should provide accurate information to students and promote their health literacy skills. In 2023, even though COVID-19 pandemic crisis seems to be calming, still university studentsʼ physical and mental health and social health would not have been restored. Therefore, this study aimed to examine what kind of health science education and support needs for university students now and in the near future by conducting the questionnaire survey and comparing the results with the results of 2020.}, pages = {21--28}, title = {新型コロナウイルス感染症パンデミック後の大学生のための健康学の教育・支援}, year = {2023} }