@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000126, author = {有馬, 絵美子}, issue = {26}, journal = {非文字資料研究 = The study of nonwritten cultural materials, The study of nonwritten cultural materials}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論文では、消雪池と克雪住宅という二つの構造物を非文字資料として位置付け、その変遷から、除雪にまつわる民俗知識が、降積雪量の多い地域においてどのように継承されてきたのか考察することを目的とする。 降積雪量の多い地域で散見される消雪池「タネ」「タナキ」「タナゲ」及び「流水溝」などは、かつて種籾を浸けて発芽を促していた「種池」に由来している。稲作技術の変化により種池を浸種に使用しなくなってからも、種籾を発芽させる作業工程の重要性から名称は継続して使用されている。現地調査では、長野県下水内郡栄村の小赤沢集落において、消雪池「タネ」の敷設状況や、道路に水を流して雪を消す「流水道路」の現状、及び、個別事例として一冬の除雪作業の様子を記録した。種池は、養魚や洗い場、除雪の機能を残して存続しただけでなく、除雪の機能に関しては、玄関横や屋根雪の落ちる位置に新設されたり、コンクリートで舗装して流水の機能を強化したりと、改良が続けられている。 消雪池が、身近にあるものを活用する住民の工夫によって、浸種から除雪へと転用、継承されてきたのに対し、家屋については、生活改善運動などの時代の流れの中で、それぞれの土地に暮らす住民自身が暮らしのあり方を考えるよう促されながら変遷し、社会的背景から克雪住宅として行政へと引き継がれていた。 山形県の代議士・松岡俊三は、「雪害」という問題を提起し、政治活動により制度変革の流れを生み出した。その一端により今和次郎は、雪降ろしにかける手間を副業に充て、収入を増やせるような暮らしを実現するために「雪降ろしをしなくても良い家」を考案した。しかし都市部と異なり、農村において家屋は、それぞれの土地の気候や生業に対応して存立していた背景があり、建築家からの提案がすんなりと受け入れてもらえない現状に直面した今は、各地で講習会や設計懸賞に注力した。新潟県での高橋喜平の取り組みを例に、それぞれの土地で受け継がれてきた家屋のあり方、生業への対応を、その土地に暮らす人々自身が考え出し、家屋へ反映していった様子を検証した。さらに、雪降ろしが不要な急勾配の落雪式屋根や、除雪作業に手間を取られない高床の家屋は、過疎化や高齢化という社会的な背景を受けて行政から注目され、克雪住宅として普及促進が図られていった。, This paper aims to establish two structures―shōsetsu-ike(snow melting ponds)and kokusetsu-jūtaku(houses designed so owners do not need snow cleared as often)―as nonwritten cultural materials and to examine how folk knowledge related to snow removal has been transmitted in areas with heavy snowfall based on how the two structures have changed over time. In areas with heavy snowfall, shōsetsu-ike are called tane, tanaki, tanage, and ryū-sui-kō. These types of shōsetsu-ike originate from tane-ike, which were pools used to soak rice seeds to stimulate germination. Even after tane-ike were no longer used to soak seeds due to changes in rice cultivation techniques, the name is sometimes still used because of the importance of having the rice seed germinate in the process of planting rice. During on-site investigations at Koakazawa Hamlet in Sakae Village of Nagano Prefectureʼs Shimominochi District, records were made on how types of shōsetsu-ike called tane were set up, the state of ryū-sui-dōro(water-resistant roads that could have water run down them to melt snow), and individual examples of how snow was cleared over winter. Not only did tane-ike still exist as fish farms, ponds to wash things in, or snow removal ponds, but they also showed signs of still being improved : some were newly set up next to entrances of houses or in places to catch snow falling from roofs, or they had been lined with concrete to allow water to run more smoothly. Using materials found in the area, local residents had devised ways to turn the shōsetsu-ike from ponds used to soak seeds to those used to melt snow and transmitted them. Houses, on the other hand, changed as residents were encouraged to think of how best they could live in each area through the lifestyle improvement movement and other changes that occurred throughout the years. The houses were then transmitted to local administrators interested in social issues as kokusetsu-jūtaku. MATSUOKA Toshizo, former Member of the House of Representatives of Japan from Yamagata Prefecture, raised the issue of snow damage and prompted systematic reform through political activities. As one of those changes, the architect KON Wajiro proposed a house that did not need to have snow cleared from the roof so that people could spend the time they would normally use clearing snow on other work and increase their income. But unlike in urban areas, houses in agricultural areas had existed in forms adapted to the climate of the region or the occupation of the owner and it was harder for people to simply accept a proposal from an architect. Therefore, KON focused his attention on holding lectures and design competitions in various areas. Using the work of TAKAHASHI Kihei in Niigata Prefecture as an example, this paper examines how the people who lived in each area devised ways to tailor their lives to occupations or improve the type of house that had traditionally been passed down in the area, and how those improvements were reflected in the houses. Furthermore, houses that have special roofs with steep angles that make clearing snow unnecessary or houses with raised floors to make it easier to clear snow garnered attention from local administrators who viewed them in connection with social issues such as depopulation and ageing of the population. The houses were then promoted and popularized as kokusetsu-jūtaku., 2021年度奨励研究 成果論文, 論文}, pages = {119--142}, title = {除雪に関する民俗知識の継承 -消雪池と克雪住宅の変遷から-}, year = {2023} }