@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000045, author = {渡部, かなえ}, issue = {69}, journal = {人文学研究所報, Bulletin of the Institute for Humanities Resarch}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this study, we ask caregivers of children to create study tools to identify what should we teach in early childhood education. Caregivers were ordered to select the theme which they thought the most important for children to protect their health and life by themselves. Considering from tools made by caregivers, we knew that caregivers thought that safe education was important in nursery schools and kindergartens, even though the society was obsessed with responding to COVID-19. The most major theme that caregivers selected was injury prevention. Study tools could remind children to avoid injury in play and daily life. From the results of this study, we reconfirmed that protecting childrenʼs health and life should be done in ʻChildren centerʼ, ʻchildren firstʼ, and health and safe education for children should be done in ʻChildren centerʼ, ʻchildren firstʼ without being easily swayed by convenience for only adults and elderly.}, pages = {37--43}, title = {自分の命を守る幼児のための安全教育の教材作成}, year = {2023} }