@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000038, author = {佐々木, 長生}, journal = {常民文化研究, Bulletin of Institute for the Study of Japanese Folk Culture}, month = {Mar}, note = {若松城下に隣接する幕内村(現会津若松市神指町幕内)の肝煎佐瀬与次右衛門は、貞享元年(一六八四)に自らの体験と「郷談」と呼ばれる旧慣習に基づき会津地方の自然に即した農法を『会津農書』に著述している。上巻の稲作、中巻の畑作、下巻の農家事益の三巻からなる。その内容を農民たちにわかりやすく覚えやすいように和歌で綴った『会津歌農書』を宝永元年(一七〇四)に著している。さらに、当時の農業に関する語彙(農語)や農耕儀礼等について与次右衛門と農民との対話形式で著述した『会津農書附録』八巻を著している。本稿では『会津農書』『会津歌農書』『会津農書附録』を総括した概念で、『会津農書』と表記して論述したい。 『会津農書』は、わが国の農書の代表とされる宮崎安貞の元禄一〇年(一六九七)の『農業全書』より一三年も早い古典的価値を有する農書である。著者・著述年が明確な点、わが国で数多くある農書で歴史的価値もあり、農業技術史上高く評価されている。特に下巻は農民生活に関わる記載が多く、近世初期の会津地方の民俗をも見ることができる。筆者は農具や農耕儀礼はじめ衣食住に関する民俗を『会津農書』から抽出し、民俗学的研究を行ってきた。本稿は、下巻記載の「粮菜作考」・「粮菜貯」および「里郷と山郷食物助成」を基軸に、当時の会津地方の粮菜の種類および採取・加工調理とその食法について調査分析し、在地農法の一環としての粮菜作・粮菜貯を位置付けたい。その分析・比較資料として、貞享二年(一六八五)および文化四年(一八〇七)の風俗帳の記載と、他地方の農書類から「糧物」の記載と、福島県内の近世の「かて物」に関する資料と、『会津農書』に記載された植物名の照合を試み、その採取法や加工調理法と食法などを明らかにしたい。 『会津農書』には粮菜確保の方法に関する記載が多く、そのひとつに大根と蕪、粟と稗など粮菜作の作物を栽培する方法や「救食菜」と呼ぶ山野からの粮菜採取の古語の記載など粮菜の主作物「編菜の栽培・加工・保管法など、在地農法の一環として「粮菜作」および「粮菜貯」を指導している。, Yojiemon SAZE, a Kimoiri (village head) from Makunouchi Village (presentday Makunouchi, Kozashi-machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu City), adjacent to the castle town of Wakamatsu, wrote in Aizu Nōsho (The Aizu Book of Agriculture) in 1684 about the agricultural methods in the Aizu region based on his own experience and the old custom known as ‘godan’ (talk around the village). It consists of three volumes: the first volume on rice farming, the middle volume on other types of farming, and the third volume on other farming affairs. In 1704, he wrote Aizu Uta Nōsho (Aizu Book of Agriculture in Poetry), in which the contents were written in the form of waka poems so that farmers could easily understand and remember them. In addition, he wrote an eight-volume book, Aizu Nōsho Furoku (Annex to Aizu Nōsho), in which he discussed the vocabulary or nōgo (agricultural language) and farming rituals of the time in a dialogue between the farmers and himself. In this paper, I would like to use Aizu Nōsho as a general name including all three of Aizu Nōsho, Aizu Uta Nōsho, and Aizu Nōsho Furoku. Aizu Nōsho is an agricultural treatise that may be valued as a classic, written 13 years earlier than Nōgyō Zensho ( The Complete B ook of A griculture) by Yasusada MIYAZAKI in 1697, which is regarded as the representative agricultural treatise of Japan. It has a clear authorship and year of writing, has historical value among the many books on agriculture in Japan, and is highly regarded in the history of agricultural technology. Volume Three, in particular, contains many descriptions of farmer life, and provides insight into the folklore of the A izu region in the early modern period. T he author has conducted folklore research by extracting aspects of folklore related to food, clothing and housing, including farming tools and farming rituals, from the Aizu Nōsho. Based on the contents of the third volume, this paper investigates and analyzes the types of katena (supplementing/subsidizing rice) in the Aizu region at that time, as well as the methods of gathering, processing, cooking, and eating, in order to position katena as part of the local farming system. As analytical and comparative materials, I would like to attempt to use the entries in books on customs written in 1685 and 1807, the entries of katemono (provisions for a later date) and the like from the agricultural documents of other regions, and the documents related to ʻkate-monoʼ in Fukushima Prefecture in the early modern period, in order to cross-reference the names of plants de-scribed in the Aizu Nōsho, and clarify the methods of collecting, processing, cooking, and eating them. Aizu Nōsho" contains many descriptions of how to secure the provisions, one of which references how to cultivate leaves and crops for the provisions, such as radishes and turnips, millet and Japanese millet, and the gathering of the provisions from the mountains and fields, a process called asarina at the time and includes instruction on how to cultivate, process, and store the main crops for the provisioning, known as amina, as part of the local farming methods., 論文}, title = {『会津農書』にみる粮菜作と粮菜貯 -在地農法の一環としての「食物助成」-}, volume = {1 (2022)}, year = {2023} }