@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001977, author = {Ohashi, Satoshi and 大橋, 哲}, journal = {国際経営論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper an attempt is made to review how mentalistic notions such as intention, mental representation and generic knowledge had been treated in the study of language before they started gaining the status they deserved in the early 1980s with the development of cognitive linguistics and computational technology. Such an attempt is necessary to locate the position of a type of mental representation which the present author has been trying to describe in the tradition of the study of written discourse., Article, Articles}, pages = {123--139}, title = {The Notion of Intention in the Study of Language before the Emergence of Written Discourse Analysis}, volume = {41}, year = {2011} }