@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014820, author = {渡部, かなえ}, issue = {65}, journal = {人文学研究所報, Bulletin of the Institute for Humanities Resarch}, month = {Mar}, note = {COVID-19 effect on not only physical health but also mental and social life. Under such situation, one in two people felt that they became healthier than before the pandemic of COVID-19. It was opposite to university students; they became unhealthier. Both married personsʼ and univ. studentsʼ health consciousness increased. However, univ. students were anxious not only for physical health but also for campus life, study and future. Because of such anxiety, univ. students might feel becoming unhealthier. Those anxiety would be affected by incredible and inadequate information from the responsible organization like World Health Organization, and Japanese governmentʼs failure for adequate use of information of infection. Therefore, necessary health literacy education for univ. students could be acquiring skills of accessing to, evaluating and using health information., Departmental Bulletin Paper}, pages = {1--6}, title = {健康の社会的決定要因に関する大学生のヘルスリテラシーの現状と必要な健康教育}, year = {2021} }