@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014198, author = {劉, 燕嵐}, issue = {202}, journal = {人文研究, Studies in humanities}, month = {Mar}, note = {An attributive is the pre-modifier in a modifier-noun structure. Its important role in the transmission of semantic information endows the study of attributives, from the aspect of semantic orientation, with great significance. Based on previous studies, this study explores the nuances of the semantic orientation of Chinese attributives. It categorizes them into direct and indirect semantic orientations. The goal is to reveal Chi-nese attributives’ logical structures, in terms of their semantic orienta-tion, by applying formal semantic concepts such as propositional logic and predicate logic, to concrete sentence examples.}, pages = {103--146}, title = {現代中国語の限定語の意味指示と論理分析}, year = {2021} }