@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014060, author = {加部, 義夫}, journal = {Science Journal of Kanagawa University}, month = {Jun}, note = {Organic compounds containing carbon-metal bonds are called organometallic compounds. Such compounds have been known and studied since the 19th century and have been widely used to modify synthetic transformation in modern organic chemistry. It is con-sidered that many educational benefits could result in the use of reaction types and discov-ery for undergraduates and graduate classes in organic and organometallic chemistry. Since ancient times, the history of mercury has been closely connected with that of alchemy. Greek philosophers were the initiators of the idea of the four elements : earth, air, water, and fire, which encouraged the hope of transmuting metal to gold. Greek alchemy was started in Al-exandria, Egypt in the 4th century BC. When Arabian countries, China and Japan learned of Greek alchemy by Nestrians, they introduced cinnabar (HgS) and sublimate (HgCl2) other than mercury metal. A major break through in science was the discovery of oxygen by Priestly in the late 18th century. Priestly heated the oxide of mercury (HgO) and examined the gas and thereafter, Lavoisier recognized the combustion involved in oxygen oxidation contraly to phlogiston theory. In middle of the 19th century, Flankland identified dialkylzinc as the first organometallic compound and a variety of alkyl metals involving organomercury as a highly toxic compound, which established the valence theory of chemical compounds. In the late 19th century, the Russian chemist, Kurcherov discovered mercury-catalyzed hydration of acetylene to acetoaldehyde. The reaction was applied to industrial chemistry based on coal in the early 20th century. However between World Wars I and II, the main energy resource changed from coal to petroleum oil, with modern industrial processes using organometallic catalysts such as Wacker, Oxo and Ziegler-Natta methods. Finally, reaction types of organomercurials are sum-marized., Departmental Bulletin Paper, 教育論文}, pages = {87--96}, title = {反応のタイプと発見のエピソードで学ぶ有機金属化学(8)}, volume = {32}, year = {2021} }