@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014059, author = {菊池, 涼夏 and 岩元, 明敏}, journal = {Science Journal of Kanagawa University}, month = {Jun}, note = {Colchicine gel treatment is one of the major methods used to induce polyploid strains in plants. In this study, we examined several conditions of colchicine gel treatment in the diploid and tetraploid of Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype: Columbia) to establish the most efficient method of tetraploid and octaploid induction, and compared the induction efficiency with that of one-drop colchicine solution treatment, which was previously reported. The shoot apex of diploid and tetraploid seedlings was treated with colchicine gel (0.5% or 1.0% colchicine dissolved in 1.0% agarose) for several days. Thus, 0.5% colchicine gel treatment of the diploid for two days induced tetraploid (7.5% of treated seedlings) most efficiently under all examined conditions, suggesting that one-drop colchicine solution treatment of the diploid is more effi-cient than colchicine gel treatment. 0.5% colchicine gel treatment of the tetraploid for two days induced ctaploid (5.0% of treated seedlings) most efficiently, which is similar to the one-drop colchicine solution treatment of the diploid. The survival rate of colchicine gel-treated seed-lings was much lower than that of one-drop colchicine-solution-treated seedlings. The survival rate difference resulted in a lower efficiency of polyploid induction by colchicine gel treatment. These results suggest that one-drop colchicine solution treatment of the tetraploid can most ef-ficiently induce octaploid., Departmental Bulletin Paper, テクニカルノート}, pages = {81--86}, title = {コルヒチンを用いたシロイヌナズナ(Arabidopsis thaliana)4倍体及び8倍体の効率的な作出方法}, volume = {32}, year = {2021} }