@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013687, author = {宮坂, 彰志}, issue = {47}, journal = {経済貿易研究 : 研究所年報, The Studies in Economics and Trade}, month = {Mar}, note = {首都圏整備法は、既成市街地から市街地開発区域へ工業を分散・吸収させ、首都の過密化を防止しようとした。工業等制限法(正式名称「首都圏の既成市街地における工業等の制限に関する法律」)の制限制度も、同じねらいを持って制定された。制限地域となった東京都城南地域では、工場立地の困難により多数の工場が移転したが、実際に集積した地域は横浜市北部の近郊農業地帯であった。 なぜ、意図せぬ地域に工業集積が形成されたのか。工業等制限法が工場移転に与えた影響を分析するとともに、工場立地に係る都市計画と産業政策を連携させる重要性について検討する。, National Capital Region Development Act aimed to prevent the overcrowding of the capital by dispersing industries from existing urban areas to urban development areas. The industrial restriction system based on “Industry Restriction Act” was also established with the same aim. In “Jonan area of Tokyo”, which became a restricted area, a large number of factories were relocated due to difficulties in plant operation. The area where actually factories were accumulated was a suburban agricultural area in the northern part of Yokohama City.  Why did industrial accumulation form in unintended areas? Analyze the effects of the Industrial Restriction System on factory relocation. And examine the importance of coordinating industrial policies with City planning related to factory location., Departmental Bulletin Paper, 研究ノート}, pages = {115--132}, title = {工業等制限法が地域工業集積に与えた影響 -地方自治体の都市計画と産業政策への示唆-}, year = {2021} }