@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013577, author = {酒井, 駿輔 and 川延, 京子 and 多田, 雅章 and 金沢, 謙一 and 西本, 右子 and 鈴木, 祥弘}, journal = {Science Journal of Kanagawa University}, month = {Oct}, note = {In the Sagami River estuary, 3 different water masses, brackish coastal and open sea water-mass's, were observed in the winter of 2019, although the brackish water-mass could be limited by the low-level rainfall of the area in this season. The water temperature was ca. 19 ℃ and little difference was observed from the surface to a 45-m depth. Vertical mixing in winter occurred. Only in the brackish water-mass, a vertical salinity gradient established stratification and a higher biomass of phytoplankton was observed. Phytoplankton communities in the surface water at different points in this area showed different species compositions. These differences could have occurred due to different conditions for growth of each algal species in each different water mass. The colony size of diatom species of the Skeletonema costatum complex suggested higher growth rates in the brackish water-mass than in the open sea water-mass. The S. costatum complex in the estuary could spread to other sea areas and become dominant there. We observed the accumulation of algal biomass in the coastal watermass around the bottom., Departmental Bulletin Paper, 原著, 2019年度神奈川大学総合理学研究所共同研究助成論文}, pages = {83--88}, title = {相模川河口域における長期環境変動のモニタリング(冬期相模川河口域の特徴的水塊中に認められた植物プランクトンの群集構造)}, volume = {31}, year = {2020} }