@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013572, author = {原田, 崇司 and 田中, 賢 and 三河, 賢治}, journal = {Science Journal of Kanagawa University}, month = {Oct}, note = {Numerous methods for packet classification have been developed. We proposed a decision tree method based on Run-Based Trie. In this paper, we propose a pruning method for the decision tree. Space complexity of the pruning method is still O(l3l) where l is the length of a rule. Applying the proposed pruning method, we can construct a decision tree where l = 64, which can not be constructed with the conventional method. This result shows that, although our decision tree method based on Run-Based Trie is not feasible in theory, it can be used in a practical sense., Departmental Bulletin Paper, 原著, 2019年度神奈川大学総合理学研究所共同研究助成論文}, pages = {53--60}, title = {連分割トライに基づく決定木の枝刈り法}, volume = {31}, year = {2020} }