@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012987, author = {包, 周娜}, issue = {19}, journal = {非文字資料研究 = The study of nonwritten cultural materials}, month = {Jan}, note = {ホルチンという言葉は本来モンゴル遊牧民の中の一部族であるホルチン部を指してきたが、徐々にホルチン部族が生活する地域を「ホルチン地区」と呼ぶようになった。特に中華人民共和国の成立後、興安嶺の東南麓に位置する内モンゴル自治区東部の通遼市を中心として指すようになった。 ホルチン地域は清朝時代の移民開墾を経て、農耕を中心とするようになり、モンゴル人の半農半牧村落社会が形成された。モンゴル人総人口の80% 以上はこの東部地域に居住し、主に農業と「半農・半牧」生業を営んでいる。西部地域は、主に牧畜業を営み、家畜の数が多く、人口の少ない地域であり、伝統文化や価値観およびモンゴルアイデンティティーが東部地域とは異なる面も少なくない。1980 年代以降、内モンゴルの生態環境、生業、文化、風俗習慣は多くの場所で変容し、草原の面積は日増しに狭くなり、モンゴル人の生業や生活にも様々な変化が見られる。 本論では、内モンゴル自治区東部ホルチン地区左翼後旗ダランアイル・ガチャーの牧畜を営む農牧民の事例を取り上げ、農耕化、近代化、市場経済化、政策転換などに向き合うプロセスでどのように対応し、彼らの牧畜業そのものの特徴や変容を考察した。まず、調査地であるホルチンモンゴル人の生活する社会背景と農牧生業の営みについて紹介した。次に、定住後牧畜業の変遷に関してダランアイル・ガチャーの牧畜民の経験から放牧方式、家畜飼料、家畜飲用水、家畜小屋の側面から過去と現在の違いを明らかにした。さらに、家畜構成とその価値の変容、家畜保護管理習俗、処理習俗について考察した。最後に、ダランアイル・ガチャーの牧畜具について考察した。, In the past, Horqin referred to the Horqin people, a subgroup of Mongolian nomads, but the name gradually came to represent the area inhabited by the Horqin people. In particular, after the establishment of the Peopleʼs Republic of China, the area encompassing Tongliao City in the eastern part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, became collectively known as the Horqin District.  During the Qin Dynasty, the Mongolian people cultivated land in the Horqin District and began farming activities ; they formed village communities based on agriculture and stock farming. Today, more than 80 percent of Mongolians live in this eastern area, mainly earning a livelihood through agriculture, or concurrently through agriculture and stock farming. On the other hand, the western part of Inner Mongolia is sparsely populated mostly by stock farmers who manage large numbers of stock animals. There are various differences between the western and eastern regions in terms of traditional culture, values, or Mongolian identity. Since the 1980s, many parts of Inner Mongolia have undergone significant changes in the peopleʼs living environment, livelihoods, culture and customs, and the grasslands are shrinking every year with various impacts on their work and lives.  This paper focuses on Dalanail Gacha of the Horqin Left Back Banner in the eastern part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and examines how the agropastoral people there have responded to such social changes as the spread of agriculture, modernization, the rise of a market economy, and national policy shifts, while analyzing the characteristics and transformation of their stock farming practices. First it details the Horqin Mongoliansʼ social background and their agropastoral activities. Then it considers the transformation of stock farming practices in this area since the settling of people in Dalanail Gacha by comparing past and present grazing methods, food and water given to stock animals, and their stables. The paper also introduces the composition of stock animals and methods of their protection, management and slaughtering. Lastly, it looks at the stock farming tools used by the Dalanail Gacha people., Departmental Bulletin Paper, 論文}, pages = {207--235}, title = {内モンゴルホルチン地区における牧畜業生産習俗の変容 -半農半牧村落ダランアイル・ガチャーを事例に-}, year = {2020} }