@article{oai:kanagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012627, author = {李, 忠均}, issue = {41}, journal = {神奈川大学言語研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper pointed out the confusion and problems found in Korean notation in both Japan and South Korea, and proposed a more reasonable revision of Korean notation suitable for the language life of modern Japanese and Korean people. As a cause of disorder in Korean notation in Japanese, it is mentioned that mixed use of voiced sound and voiceless sound is different from Japanese and English, and also mixed transcription(pronunciation priority) and transliteration(notation priority). In order to solve such a situation and to make effective Korean notation for modern Japan and Korean society and the public, it is suggested that it is reasonable to write Japanese and Korean across the Roman alphabet. In this paper, a revised proposal is proposed. (1) Distinguish between Seion (voiceless sound) and Dakuon (voiced sound) with reference to Romanization. And the notation of Sokuon and Hatsuon also follows Romanization. (2) “tsu” is described as “cheu”. (3) Recognize the distinction of Yoon’s notation. (4) Long vowel within a word is expressed arbitrarily., Departmental Bulletin Paper, 研究ノート}, pages = {83--103}, title = {日本語の韓国語表記に関する一考察}, year = {2019} }